Sep 30, 2010
Good NEWS!
Sep 29, 2010
Brawny Bronwyn
Sep 22, 2010
Training Wheels, Billi Lights and Hospitals OH MY!
Sep 21, 2010
Coming Home
Bronwyn was ready to come home after a night in the hospital. I sat in the back with my little girl while Dad insisted I check on her breathing upwards of 100 times... which is a slight improvement from when we brought Jack home from the hospital. Waiting for us at home was Pop Pop, Minni, Jack, Buster and balloons!
Minni and Jack waiting for us outside with Pop Pop as the official baby photographer!

Jack giving Bronwyn some brotherly love. He is doing great as a big brother. Excited about his sister and then equally excited to go play with his toys :)
Minni holding Bronwyn. Told you she was sweet and fiesty! Does she get that from Minni???
Pop-Pop and Bronwyn. He had the magic touch and soothing voice to lull her right back to her happy place!
Bronwyn giving her crib a test run. Daddy is the ultimate swaddler look at the little Bronnie burrito!
your family
What's In A Name?
What does that mean? Fair Breasted? It is the meaning of the name Bronwyn. Does it mean:
- White breasts?
- That she will be fairly endowed when older?
- Pure and innocent?
Well we didn't pick the name because of its meaning. We had a more significant reason...we liked it! So let's just address the question on every one's mind...why Bronwyn? Well, I am not one to subscribe to the world of the supernatural...even though my own husband has some eerie way of calling me as soon as I walk in a door (either he is attuned to me or has stalked me for 17 years). But after two pregnancies I am a believer in woman's intuition. I knew Jack was a boy and Bronwyn a girl before any ultrasound result. And, I knew my children's names when I heard them. In a sense the name picked them. When Gary first suggested Bronwyn my response was "I can't pronounce it and neither will anyone else in my family" (Sorry Mom and Dad). But the name kept calling out to me...and before you know it, I knew it...that was it...she was named little Bronnie :)
So how has everyone responded to her name? Here are the most frequent responses we get:
- Is that a family name? Translation: Where in God's name did you ever come up with that one?
- How do you spell that? Translation: I have no idea what you just said...if you spell it maybe I can figure it out.
- Well he is...Translation: I am clearly color blind and missed the pink socks, hat, outfit and diaper bag.
- Beautiful...just like she is (that one is my favorite response).
So a unique and beautiful name for our little girl.
Sep 20, 2010
Tuesday's Child is Full of Grace
- Joey Heatherton, the Lone Ranger and Amy Winehouse were born.
- Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco and President William McKinney passed away.
- 1954, Hurricane Edna hit New York City.
- 1956, the first prefrontal lobotomy was performed in Washington, D.C.
- 1964, Walt Disney was awarded the Medal of Freedom. *Year Dad was born.
- 1972, The Waltons TV program premiered. *Year Mom was born.

After hearing about her scheduled induction for Wednesday, Bronwyn took matters into her own hands. Monday night, during a family game of Mexican Train Dominoes, contractions began. When I announced they were five minutes apart I was met with the same look the boy who cried wolf received. By 2am we determined this was finally the REAL DEAL and headed to hospital. Here is how the next few hours played out:
- 2:13 am-Leave for hospital. Contractions mild to moderate; three to five minutes apart. Placed Jack in bed with Minni and bawled like a 10-month hormonal pregnant woman because it was Jack's last night as an only child.
- 2:53 am-Dad found the quintessential celebrity parking spot in the labor and delivery drop-off zone EVER! Foreshadowing? dum, da, duh...
- 3:30 am- In a REAL labor and delivery room. Goal one accomplished--with Jack we never made it out of a tiny closet called the exam room. Bronwyn was getting princess treatment.

Dad waiting to meet his sweet butterball (expecting an 8lb baby!)

- 5:00 am--poke me for an iv. Doesn't work. OUCH!
- 5:10 am--new nurse pokes me for an iv. Doesn't work. DOUBLE OUCH!
- 5:20 am-- IV team comes to poke me for the iv. WORKS! And leaves a bruise the size of an avocado. Good grief!
- 5:30 am--Contractions lessening...WHAT?!?! NOT AGAIN! But what about the CELEBRITY PARKING? Groan!
- 8:00 am--Doctor gives us an option...break water or go home and try again tomorrow with our regular OB/GYN. So if you know us you know we can be a tad indecisive. Where's Jack when you need him--he usually makes the decisions for us...granted about where to go to eat not when to have the baby...but still! Well, we chose to stay and proceed with this stranger of a doctor...and yes, it was due to the CELEBRITY PARKING!
- 8:30 am-Water broken. Go walking around the hospital corridors.
- 9:30 am- In full labor back in our room. OUCH!
- 9:31 am- Asked for epidural. :) Given my water just broke nurse looked at me like I was the wimpiest of pregnant woman ever. Hmph!
- 9:32 am- Said nurse says I need to finish a WHOLE IV drip bag before she can call for epidural.
- 9:33 am- Bribe and beg Gary to puncture small but fast leaking hole in said drip bag.
- 10:30 am- After two attempts the EPI is in the house!
- 11:00 am- Minni, Pop Pop and Jack arrive!

- 11:30 am- Start pitocin as contractions slowing down--pooh on pitocin!
- 12:00 noon- Minni, Pop Pop, Gary and Jack head out for lunch.
- 12:05 pm- Gary gets a call to come back as I am ready to PUSH!!! Deja vu with Jack!
- 12:46 pm- Bronwyn Rose is born. She weighed 6 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long--Gary asked "Where's my butterball?" Isn't she simply perfect!!!
Bronwyn's first bath by nurse Ms. Tina

Jack listens in on Baby Sprout's heartbeat.

- 1:15pm- Ready for cuddling...
Everyone is healthy and doing well. We are blessed once again and grateful for the wonderful family we have. Now to come up with a new name for Jack AND Bronwyn's blog...