At Bronwyn's six-month appointment her pediatrician asked me if she was sitting yet. "No" I replied, "not even in a tri-pod stand." The doctor then sat Bronwyn up, put a toy between her feet and let go. She remained in an upright position long enough to make a liar out of me. Grr... Apparently she needed the right motivation as the allure of being horizontal, able to roll like a torpedo is just too strong. She has been practicing sitting pretty ever since!
Mar 28, 2011
The Body of Evidence
Jack has pleaded guilty to three counts of misbehavior. The evidence was overwhelming. Nanny Michelle went to put Bronwyn to sleep. Upon her return 20 minutes later Jack came bounding through the front door. He had a face full of chocolate pudding with sprinkles attached, a weather strip wrapped around his whole body, and a stick (toe molding) in hand. His sidekick Buster was lagging behind him. His defense, "I needed to chase some birds away."
After being questioned by Nanny Michelle, Jack confessed that he was resting in the guest room bathtub and the toe molding just "peeled" off real easy. He was hungry and wanted to see what the pudding tasted like. The weather stripping came from the foyer. The sprinkles? Well...those were used for a craft project earlier this morning. Yep, he scraped them off the bunny in the picture. Wonder if the glue used tasted good too.
Good grief. All in twenty minutes? Jack Rabbit seems to be an apropos name for this perp!
Mar 25, 2011
Happy Six Months
Bronwyn had her six-month checkup. She is in the 50% for height at 26 inches long and 25% for weight at 14 lbs 12 oz. I suspect that to change drastically given the way she is inhaling her solids. Sassy Sprout likes sprouts...and avocado...and banana...and oatmeal....and pears....and apples...and sweet potatoes...and rice cereal...and the spoon...and the bowl...and my finger...
Mar 15, 2011
Draw A Body Test
I met with Jack's teacher today. She made mention that the kids do a draw a body test as part of their K-Screening. Jack didn't have to do it as he is the only one in his class not going to K next year, as his birthday is past the cutoff. BUT...I have NEVER seen him draw a body before. So I gave him paper, pen and said "Draw a person." This is what I got...
My favorite half the way through he said, "Argh! I drew the INSIDE of a body NOT the outside." I asked him when he was done if he wanted to draw the outside now and he said, "No, you do it Mom" and walked away.
Mar 12, 2011
Bronwyn and Buster
The rolling diva doesn't demonstrate speed here but does show her affection for her pet, Buster. He loves her too!
Bravo Avocado
Bronwyn took her first bite of solid food tonight. Jack picked it out and mommy fed it to her. Avocado--mashed and apparently delicious. She opened wide, grabbed the spoon, and fussed for more, more and more! She ate up the entire bowl and loved every minute of it. Once again, proving to be her brother's polar opposite!
With great anticipation!
Accepting it with fervor!
One of what I suspect will be many clean plates and bowls!
Wacky Jacky is Back
This week began T-Ball season and Jack for the second year in a row joined the fleets of 3-5 year old boys ready to kick dirt, chase balls and swing at thin air in hopes of connecting with that ball the game is named after. Over excited? High spirited? Wacky? All terms applicable when describing how he behaved during his first practice. The real tell...his new coach said "Jack, yes I heard ALL about him from Coach Vinny." HAHAHA! Here are a few highlights.
Jack, like last year, insisted on wearing his hard helmet during practice. He did lose it, eventually!
Perhaps he should have kept it on. Yes, his thrown ball is the one suspended in air--BEHIND him! Guess where it landed? Yup...his head still proved to be a magnet for the ball.
He was much more into the game this time--as long as he wasn't distracted by birds, piles of leaves and mud piles. Like last year he demonstrates his strength is in connecting to the ball. WAY TO GO!
And here is his first home run of the season ;) My favorite part. Watch for how he waits for the children to move off the base before he tags it. Such nice manners. ;)
Mar 10, 2011
Mar 7, 2011
Jackisms Part IV
Jack: Don't be mean Mom, I'm your son not your husband. *blush*
Jack: Mom, what happens when Steak-n-Shake runs out of steaks and shakes?
Mom: They go out of business.
Jack: Ah, but what happens if they run out of steak and shakes but not money?
Jack when he got home after his first swim lesson: I think I will go search for my confidence. Last I saw it was in my foot stool. I think it is purple.
Jack: Mom, what happens when Steak-n-Shake runs out of steaks and shakes?
Mom: They go out of business.
Jack: Ah, but what happens if they run out of steak and shakes but not money?
Jack when he got home after his first swim lesson: I think I will go search for my confidence. Last I saw it was in my foot stool. I think it is purple.
Playful Bronwyn
With her toes finally touching the floor when placed in her jumper she finally learned what spring load means. She also confirmed what we all know--chocolate cake beats cheesecake even when it is pretend.
Mar 4, 2011
Kicked out of her bouncer (due to rolling out of it on will) Bronwyn is trying out new sleep positions. Seems more like an advertisement for baby chiropractor.
Jack has been working on his drawing and writing skills. An area of difficulty for him but due diligence pays off! Look how far he has come. Congrats Jack!
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