Aug 8, 2013

Hello First Grade!

We have new shoes...

new book bag...

We're very sleepy...

Must be time for the new School Year!!!
Here's our new FIRST GRADERS!!!
The obligatory first day at the bus stop shot! 

Jack was so excited!  Mom cried again.  Jack said I could cry when he's 16 as that's close to an adult but not when he is only 6!  Hugs all around!

and there he goes...good luck Jack!!!

Camp Minnie's (and Pop Pop's)

Hello Mother.
Hello Father.
Greetings from Camp
Pop pop and Minnie
I'm having fun here
eating a ton here
I want to come back to this camp
every single year!
Minnie and Jack went on a date to see Pinocchio.  Here is Jack with Jiminy Cricket!

Pop Pop and Jack had a date too!  They went to the Air Museum and here is Jack in an F4!
Jack engaged in a serious conversation with this former pilot.  Jack kept inquiring as to the voice commands to control the plane.  The gentleman, equally serious, continued to explain voice controls did not exist when this plane was made.  Jack finally said, "Let's reset this conversation, where is the GPS?"  When the man responded there wasn't one Jack was DONE with this antiquated machine.  ;)
When I returned Jack shared that he played over 15 games with Pop pop.  I asked if it was fun.  He said, "Kind of.  It would have been more fun if he let me win one."  Seriously Pop Pop?  ;) ;) ;)

Jack has so many special memories.  Mornings with Minnie and Maddie; his dates with Pop Pop and Minnie; playing games; reading books and just being loved!  Thanks Mom and did good with our boy!