Mar 26, 2014

Big Questions from Little People

Bronwyn: "Mom, did you and Daddy buy me at a store?"

Mar 23, 2014

Goodbye to Winter Party

Who else is ready to say goodbye to winter?  We sure are!  So what perfect timing for a FROZEN MOVIE NIGHT!!!  So we all could bid the cold FAREWELL!!!

The Craft:
We bad homemade ice candles!!!
They turned out beautiful.  To make we poured was and crushed ice in an empty salt container.  Then peeled the cardboard off after an hour and voila!
The Food:
What's Movie Night without the Movie Night Themed Dinner? Here's Frozen Dinner!!!
Jack named all the food.  Here is Olaf's Noses!

Sven the Reindeer's Mix

Popcorn and Marshmallow Snowballs. 
Snowflake Cheese Sandwiches
Anna's Frozen Punch: Sprite with Blue Juice and a Dollop of Ice Cream
Anna points us the way...

A Baby Kristof looks over us..

Anna aka Snow Queen is happy to see us!

Olaf is ready for a warm hug!
This sign expresses the right sentiment!

Kids had a BLAST with our Frozen Movie Night Sing-a-long; Goodbye to Winter Party!

Kids have one thing to say to Jack Frost, "Let it Go" ;)
The End

First Signs of Spring

On March 20, 2014 Jack grabbed his field journal and Camera and joined his mom and sister on a hunt for signs of Spring.  Here is what Bronwyn and Jack found (pictures by Jack).

Camillia in full bloom!!!

Best part of spring...grilling out!

Our tulips we planted with the kids are popping out of the ground.  Jack and Bronwyn are SO EXCITED!!!

Bronwyn and Mom's favorite...the Saucer Magnolia...pretty blooms this year!

Luck of the Irish

Week began with St Patty's Day!  Jack was willing to chance the pinch as he didn't have any green clothes he wanted to wear.  That is until his mom pinched him...then he quickly changed ;)

Kiss A Leprechaun anyone?

St Patty's Day card from Minni and Poppop while drinking Leprechaun Milk ;)


Mar 13, 2014

Amused? Or Disturbed?

Bronwyn built a tent out of blankets and pillows.  Who doesn't remember doing that as a child!  Her tent became a nail salon.  Yep.  That's my girl.  I, due to my exceptionally large Ugg boots, knocked down a side.

Bronwyn: I'm an angry nail salon lady!  
Me: Let me fix it.
Bronwyn: I'm going to cut you in half.  Then I'm going to gobble you up!
Me: !!!!!!!
Brownyn: I'm going to eat Bronwyn too!
Brownyn (as Bronwyn now): Aw mom, we'll be together in the nail salon lady's belly and we can cuddle!



Jack's First Book Report

I'm sure when I was in first grade I used books to stuff in my pants whenever I knew I was in trouble ;). I certainly wasn't checking out books on Abe Lincoln from the Library.  I wasn't reading those books. And certainly, definitely was not putting book reports together for fun.

But Jack is doing all of these things and more.

Done on his own--including selecting images and fonts...I present his first book report.

I know his civil war page seems out of context but Jack was trying to retell the part he read on Lincoln's emancipation proclamation.

Surly Jack

Found this note on my bedside table.  He'd been punished for dumping sand on his sister's head earlier this day.

Ooh...Jack's in trouble...

Mar 12, 2014

Green Sings

One moment Gary and I are sipping our coffee...the next minute this...

Mar 9, 2014

All Before Noon

The last two weekends have brought us amazing weather.  A relished break from the cold.  You just have to get through the mornings to enjoy the after lunch warmth.  So how do the kids get through the mornings?

#1 Way:  Monsterville.  When your kids come down the stairs like leaves you wondering one thing...where DID they put all the toys that WERE stored in these bins???  yikes!

Pumpkin Deatheater Jack above and Monster Princess Bronwyn below
#2 Way:  Enrichment.  One of us parents organize the kids for something cool to do...this time we played with milk, detergent and food coloring.  Makes you almost hungry, or not...

food coloring dribbled into milk

Jack adds a drop of dish washing soap to break the bonds...

like a flashback to my tie-dye years!
#3 Way:  Crafts.
We MADE this doll.  It is now in six pieces but We Actually Made It!!!  :)
#4 Way: SUGAR.  After the stress of making the doll we decided to reward ourselves with a little treat.  We had a factory line going with Mom manning the cooking device; Bronwyn frosting the pops; and Jack rolling them in sugar. 

Kids ate most of the toppings...but Jack managed to get a few sprinkles on the pops

Way #4: Pranks. see a boy walk by with a ball of string and a zip lock bag full of water.  What do you do?

Put on your rain coat or tackle him fast?  Both.  He was planning to fasten the string to the Ziploc and hang upside down from a pulley system he made on his bedroom door.  Then when his dad came in to check on him...SPLASH!  Dad, you owe me one for catching this in time!

Menacing Jack

So...there it we have spent our mornings waiting for Spring to finally arrive.  I don't know about you...but I'm ready to get outside!  Let's go!

Soccer Anyone?

All it takes is a pink ball...and some friends...and a soccer girl is born!  Dad and Jack took Bronwyn this week to her first soccer practice.  She was a bit timid and "scared of her coach" but once she made a friend on the field her shyness began to melt.  What didn't melt was her nose...poor kids...40 degrees and windy! 

pink ball to match the pink nose

dribbling practice

Mar 8, 2014


Jack: can babies be born in space? And if so would he or she be eligible to run for president of any country?

Time Tales

Jack's learning to tell time in school.  He was taught to tell analog time on the hour and half hour.  Jack figured out the rest and made a clock this morning to teach me his learnings.  Here is 8:12 (a.k.a. ridiculously early on a Saturday morning for a lesson on telling time.)

Bronwyn took note and while no one was paying attention she taught herself how to tell time.  Here is her clock. 

The time according to Bronwyn is "little hand on B and big hand on 50." Her next clock is set to the time Dinosaurs lived.  :)

Pretty timely given we set clocks forward this weekend.  Hope I don't wake up to B:50 though ;). 

Mar 2, 2014

Jack's Security Invention

While fresh it is a stinging pepper spray...once rotten it is a mouthful of poison...