Jun 19, 2015

My Little Learners

Dinner time yielded to a conversation about things we want to learn...afterall it is important to have goals, right?

Jack: even more about java programming and how to design minecraft mods.

Bronwyn:  how to put my face in a bowl of ice cream to eat it without getting all sticky.

Yep, goal are important :)

Jun 18, 2015


"A shark is like a T-Rex and a brontosaurus is like a whale...minus the long neck!"

Upon waking: "What's Thursday all about?  Never mind...I'm going back to sleep."

"That happened a long time ago...like the day before yesterday or maybe tomorrow..."

"I keep getting confused on whether God made me or Jesus.  I think mommy's make babies anyway so actually Mary probably made me."

Waking up at 2am "I MISS MY ROCKING CHAIR!" (which has been hiding in the basement for over a year now.)

Waking up at 2am "I WANT TO GET MY EARS PIERCED!" (out of the blue request!)

"Jack, you're the best big brother ever--except when you hit me and yell at me which is like 251 times a day!"

Jun 8, 2015