Dec 8, 2015

The Right Note

This past weekend was the annual Christmas Piano Recital.  Kids practiced for two weeks.  Friday was their rehearsal with Ms Sarah--best. piano. teacher. ever.  Bronwyn barely was able to make it through her practice--as her special recital skirt had yet to arrive and she was very distracted by any moving object outside that could, potentially be a mail truck carrying her special skirt ordered for this important occasion.

It finally arrived.


It gave her the super powers she hoped for as she not only hit every note but played each note beautifully.  Now, one might argue it was the PRACTICE that set her up for success.  But, both she and I know differently.  After all, check out the skirt.

Jack had his own magical charm to help him tickle the ivory with feeling and precision.  The mighty bow.

Clearly position so to help stimulate that frontal lobe prior to performance.  Bronwyn was pleased it matched their outfits ;)

Let's check out their performance.  First up was Miss Bronwyn (5.25), playing We Three Kings.   Click on the link below:

Did you see her Adele impersonation towards the end.  That's our Bronwyn!!!

And here's Jack (9.0) playing Up on the Roof Top.  Click on link below:

Clearly, he was channelling Santa's inner frustration--as Pop Pop explained to must be very difficult getting up on the roof top.  Not to worry Jack, you inherit your 'focus' face from your mom.  One of many things I will apologize to you for now, and most likely for the rest of my life.  xoxo.

I love sitting down and playing the piano--it always fills my bucket.  Robert Schumann said it best...

“When you play, never mind who listens to you.”  

But today--we got to listen to you.  And your Mom and Dad couldn't have enjoyed it more.  Thanks for sharing your music with us.  You both sounded great!!!  Now, let's get Santa down from the roof top before he slips and falls.  

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