The boxes have been broken down. The paper tossed. Batteries loaded and new toys broken in. Yes. It is official, Christmas came. What a wonderful time of the year (so the song says...) What is it about a string of twinkling lights that fills you with wonder? With all the craziness that can and has taken place in this world, Christmas time always manages to bring joy, hope and a feeling of peace to me--this year without fail. That is the miracle of this holiday. I am sure a lot has to do with the Christmas cheer--the cookies, elves, trees, lights, carols, Starbucks Peppermint Mocha (limited edition) and don't forget the Lifetime Movies (I can't help but to watch them...the shame!) But the real magic comes from doing all those things with the ones you love the most. I am very grateful to be surrounded by the most beautiful children, husband and family. Merry Christmas to you all. God bless you Jack and Bronwyn.
Oh and Santa rocked it this year!
I saw Bronnie kissing Jackie Clause... |
Bronwyn wasted no time. She made a b-line for her new crib. |
She unwrapped every one of her presents on her own...and then took them to Pop Pop saying, "get it out for me, Pop Pop!" So he did :) |
Her favorite gift appears to be this stroller from the North Pole. |
But this Princess loved her Princesses too! |
Spy boy.
His sister gave him a spy alarm to go with these spy goggles.
He is using this high tech gear to sister-proof his room...ha! |
All I want for Christmas...
Jack got wonderful gifts from everybody and was excited about each one. But 3/4 of the way through I heard him mutter "I sure do hope I get what I asked for..." as not a single Lego had been unwrapped. Once it was...pure joy was seen all over this Lego loving elf's face! |
Jack surrounded by the evidence that he indeed was a good boy this year. And this is before he unwrapped his big gift from Santa...a Lego Cargo Train! |
Merry Christmas Jack and Bronwyn! Mom and Dad love you (and apparently Santa too!)