'Twas two weeks before Christmas and all through our house. The family was as busy as a scavenger mouse--decorating the home for a jolly ole gnome (well elves are sort of like gnomes).

So as Emil and Frosty, the Heat Miser and Hermey all get ready for Santa's big day... our son Jack, posed as Rudlolph wishes you Happy Holidays! 
The boy named Jack went on a ribbon attack. 

The girl named Bronwyn was full of big grins.

The Mom and the Dad trimmed the tree in fad.

The village was displayed, up high to stay out of the children's airways.

And what to our wondering eyes should appear...but miniature snowflakes and one little cheer. As Jack stuck his tongue out to catch the first flake, Dad took some aspirin for his giant headache :)

Now all we need is the jolly man himself...instead he sent Emil--his trusted elf. To spy, I mean watch, Jack and Bronwyn and report on their acts--with no emotion just stick to the facts. Will they be good or bad...make Santa happy or sad? Wage your bets folks! The season evokes Emil to play lots of tricks while away from St. Nick. Each morning we find Emil's latest antics...here we see him getting a marshmallow fix.

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