And I'm not talking about early bird Jack
(though he rose at 5am this morning!) I love Easter. Resurrection is not only the most important literal Religious event but also symbolically it just fills you with enormous hope.
And the Easter Bunny is pretty darn cute...even if he does poop jellybeans.
Bronwyn had a school Easter Egg hunt this past Thursday. One word to describe her...
scrappy. I've never seen her run so fast and demonstrate such agility as she did to swoop up as many eggs as she could. I was also proud of her sharing after she snatched up all the eggs she made sure to share them with her classmates.
Bronwyn getting ready with her homemade basket (that's her friend Elsie in the background!) |
Scrappy Bronwyn going after the egg under the bench! |
Please with herself. Next...negotiating for trades to ensure she has all the pink eggs ;) |
Next up is dyeing Easter Eggs. I love how our each person's personality is reflected in their eggs.
Careful Dad, don't mix up the colour cups for your coffee ;) |
Kids had a blast and did their eggs all on their own! |
Bronwyn's masterpiece. She was so proud of herself for mixing yellow and blue to make green--and figuring it out by herself! I love that it appeared she was just slapping on paint but her end product turned out gorgeous! |
Mom's egg. Like all things she does creative...she was inspired by something she saw on the Internet ;) |
Dad's our true artist. Show off. The opposite side has a beautiful cottage and more tulips. |
Notice three are missing. Dropped eggs :( and the Mom and Dad were the one's who dropped them...not the kids. |
Now we move to Easter morning. Kids woke and ran to find their baskets!
Bronwyn found her basket first. Hidden under the couch cushions! She was so excited to get the Tinker Bell flutterfly (thought she wanted the pink one...good grief!) |
Jack found his next. Hidden in the Dining Room. He was happy the Easter Bunny read his mind that he wanted Lego's more than candy! He got both!
Easter Bunny left some tracks outside. When we went to check it out we found he left a few eggs for us to hunt, as well!
Bronwyn has a good eye spotting the tricky ones! |
The trickiest eggs was hidden in the tulips! |
Jelly beans!!! |
Jelly bean break!!! |
Someone's break lasted a little longer ;) |
Amongst the Eggs were 12 large eggs all numbered. We came inside and opened these up in order. Turns out they were filled with items that helped Mom and Dad tell the kids the story of The Passion. We began with Jesus coming into Jeruselum on the Donkey and ended with the empy egg to show how Jesus has risen. The kids were on the edge of their seat (or carpet thread is more like it) but Jack half-way through was overwhelemed a bit with how sad the story is... :(
Resurrection Eggs. A new tradition!
Now off to church to celebrate the true meaning of the Holiday. Should be fun considering the Easter Baskets and eggs have already been eaten ;)