2. Why do you like being a kid? Because I get to play with Legos all the time.
3. One word to describe you would be _______. Happy.
4. What advice would you give your parents? I seriously don't know. Except...here backspace...would you PLEASE let me play Minecraft all the time. That's my advice.

5. If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A scorpion because they have really cool stingers.
6. What do you like to do for fun? Play Legos and Minecraft...and draw...and hug my mommy.
7. Tell about a funny time in your life. When I was just digging straight down, the first time I joined Minecraft and I was like down, down, down, down...and the screen went black and I was like, "what just happended?" Apparently I dug to the center of the earth, that's what happened.
8. What is your favorite thing to do? Why? Probably, play with my friends because it is SOOOO fun.
9. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? Probably play.
10. What do you love most about your sibling? What sibling? (Good grief) That she always wants to rough house with me...even when I don't...except that's what I don't like.
11. What was the nicest thing you did for someone? I..............I can't remember. Hold the door for someone? I brought the dishes to the sink...except that's not the nicest thing--I seriously can't remember.
12. What do you think you will be when you grow up? Probably a scientist or a doctor because I think I'm just good for the job. (he now wants me to go to Paws in Jobland website) Stop typing that mom!
13. What would be the ideal allowance? Tell me how you would use it. $100 every 2 seconds. HAHAHAHAHA I would use it mainly for everything I want--seriously I want to buy all the Legos.
14. What do you think makes a person good-looking? I don't know. As long as they are huggable I like them.
15. Name two things you would do if president? Um...I'm not planning on being President when I grow up so I'm probably not going to tell you. (Tell me anyway) Maybe give me all the LEgos in the world (laughing like a silly maniac)...hey what did you type? No seriously make a law that says people should not be able tow away other cars even if there is a sign (????) you know those companies that tow away cars and make a profit...they shouldn't do that. and give every student in school an iPad--except the evil ones

16. What is the grossest thing you can think of? Probably poop. Wait, I can get way grosser. Puke and poop combined with puke. (wow, way grosser Jack...)
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