Jan 30, 2011

I Only Have Eyes For...

Bronnie has finally discovered her brother, and boy is she a card-carrying member of his fan appreciation club. His head is swelled with pride. This evening as Bronwyn was in her new jumper laughing at Jack, he told me that he gets the loudest laughs...and so far he's right. But game on son...I have tricks you haven't even dreamed of (can one say peek-a-boo.)

Bronwyn has also discovered her third hand, a.k.a., the tongue. Everything is in the mouth. And she is reaching with both hands for her toys. I can almost hear her thinking ..."GIVE ME".

Jan 27, 2011

Born Free

Bronwyn was baptized this past weekend and it was simply a beautiful ceremony. She fell asleep after the anointing with oil. She stayed asleep while baptised with water only briefly waking to stretch her arms out. And she looked like a princess, did she not? The priest said "Well, you can tell this one is Irish, now can't you?" What gave it away? The fair skin? Or the three red-haired cousins that stood to her right.

Minni, Pop Pop, Aunt Meg (Godmother and Uncle Robby is Godfather), Sam, Gracie, Mike and Max all witnessed the event and celebrated with us for the rest of the weekend. Jack learned so much from his cousins including how to properly handcuff a prisoner, search for evidence and a bit about police brutality. Yikes! He had the time of his life with them all!

That man that kept following us with the camera, a.k.a., Pop Pop, was kind enough to share his brilliant photos with us...check out our Picasa web for all the pictures. (Just click on one picture at bottom of blog and it will link you to the album.)

God Bless Bronwyn Rose!

Jan 12, 2011

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

This week Bronwyn started rolling consistently from belly to back. She's having fun with her new skill learned at 3.75 months.

Jack's First Day at New School

Jack started his new school last week. The letter of the week was N, they sang about the months of the year and had a visit from the Glitter Queen. What Jack really cares about is the toy trains and cars they have for him to play with! HA!

Jack with his new lunch box

Jack and his new nanny Michelle getting ready to leave

Jack in the car ready for school