Apr 8, 2011

Beach Babies

SUCCESS! Have a Daiquiri in celebration with us! We did it! First we fit our entire household (practically) in the car. Then we made it six hours to Hilton Head with a baby who poops every thirty minutes since starting solids and enjoys her car seat as much as a claustrophobic enjoys an MRI. Next, we didn't lose either child on the beach in spite of Jack's incessant need to RUN, RUN, RUN! And finally no one got stung by a jelly fish though in video playback once home we spotted our four-year old poking one in the head *groan*. Yep, we had a successful BEACH vacation and the kids LOVED IT! Now, is it time for our grown up vacation? please?

As Jack entered the beach, feeling the sand for the first time under his feet he yelled, "This is the best time of my ENTIRE life!"

While the water was cold it didn't stop Jack from jumping waves...though the wave that went up his nose had him back on the sand pretty quickly *grin*.

Can you tell who that beauty is beneath the straw hat? Bronwyn loved the sand. She wanted to know where the "heated" ocean was, though.

Here is Bronwyn trying to nab the title of spokesbaby for all ocean sound machines that promise to lull infants to sleep for hours on end.

As alluring as the ocean is, Jack's attention was best captured by the world's largest sandbox.

Ah...a great vacation!

And for your viewing pleasure...


  1. I think it's now time for that trip to Hawaii! (How about June 11???) Little Jack needs a bit more sun and sand!

    (not trying to post this anonymously, it just won't post any other way...)

  2. You make fun of my pale family? It is the irish in us, you know! I can't help that the ONLY thing the kids get from me is their casper pigment :)

    On a separate note I would love to hear about all the wedding plans. It must be so exciting.

  3. I have no room to talk about "pale-ness!" I met someone recently who told me "Girl, you need to get out in the sun." I responded, with a showing of my leg, "Hey-this is 3 years worth, thank you very much!" This is obviously as tan as I get, and will still burn at about the 5 minute mark! So with hat on head, and 50 spf sunblock.....this is it!
