Apr 11, 2011

Jackisms Part V

  1. Gary was holding Bronwyn. Jack wanted to play with Daddy. Jack (with a charming smile): "Mom, take Bronnie and go about your biz'ness"

  2. I have a horrible upper resperatory infection and it spread to my eyes. I had my glasses on instead of contacts for first time in two years this morning. Jack: "Mom, why are you wearing glasses?" Mom: "Because I have an eye infection." Jack (after a few moments): "Does Dad get a lot of eye infections? Do glasses heal eye infections." Never dawned on me that for four years he has just accepted his Dad in glasses with no knowledge of why he wears those spectacles.

  3. Jack: "Dad, are you going to play police officer with me when you get out of the shower. After drying off and putting your clothes on." As if...

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