Apr 12, 2011

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic

In January when Jack moved from Montessori to a local play-based preschool at the church he was singled out for his inability to write his name.  Brought back terrible nun memories as in First Grade my teacher made me stay back at recess to practice writing my name while all the other kids played Red Rover, Red Rover.  Seriously cruel.  Well, in three short months of focusing at school on his writing skills this was Jack's work today...the name is sloppier than usual but he got his numbers down for most part (3 and 5 are reversed hence the circles).  Take that fine motor skills!  Congrats Jack on working so hard on your writing!

All that work has made him tired.  Get ready to snicker...Jack has given up naps but occasionally the day gets the best of him.  Here he is right before dinner. He wanted to sit to rest for just a minute...two seconds later he was asleep sitting up.  BAW!!!!

Those shorts are 2T...we call them his speedo shorts.  He loves them though so try not to sing Jack wears short shorts if you ever see him in them!  He doesn't like it :(  HA!

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