May 25, 2013

First Swim of the Season

The Pool has opened.
School is done.
Swimsuits purchased.
Sunscreen on.
Water's freezing.
But not for long.
Summer's here, cold be gone!
By Jack and Bronwyn
Bronwyn is sporting a Minnie Mouse two-piece tankini with playful ruffles and sparkly accents.  She accessorizes with a red and white polka-dotted hat topped of with perfectly placed bows. 
Can You Stand It???

Perhaps her best accessory is her recently graduated from Kindergarten brother, Jack.  He is sporting skull and bones trunks, a manly gray tee and 'my eyes will sting no more' goggles--perfect for searching the pool bottom for stray treasure...

Bronwyn is without a doubt a water baby!
Jack and his friend, Kate. 



May 24, 2013

Schools Out for the Summer...

Here Comes the Bus...

And Here's Jack Getting Off the Bus for the Last Time as a Kindergartner...
And Here's Mom...Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!
Parents Against the Kids...Who Will Win?

One Soaked Up-and-Coming First Grader...


Congrats Jack!!!

Enough Lego's to Last the Whole Summer


Or the Whole Weekend (this is 5 minutes later...) 
We are So Proud of You Jack. 


  Preschool.  August 2013.  Ready?

May 23, 2013

World's Colliding

Jack has two great loves...Lego's and imagine the enthusiasm as he purposely combined these two loves by creating a Minecraft scene out of Legos...

Mother's Day Photo

Late posting this...but the kids and I had the best Mother's Day ever earlier this month!  Thanks to a wonderful husband arranging everything.  Here I am with my favorite son and daughter :)

And one day I will have a family picture where everyone is smiling and looking at the camera at the SAME TIME!!!  Maybe next year ;)

May 20, 2013

And the Winner is...

Last Friday, Jack's teacher invited us in for a picnic followed by an award ceremony.  The awards were cute and not academic in focus.  Jack's best friend won "Best Listener", which is a good thing if their friendship is going to go the distance ;)  Jack's 'girlfriend' won Most Caring.  And Jack won...

Most Creative Thinker
His teacher said such nice things.  She sits with the kids each day for lunch and said Jack always is across or next to her...and she has enjoyed their very interesting converssations all year long!

Happy Birthday Pop Pop

Children are made to be selfish little people.  But every now and then they surprise you.  Jack and Bronwyn were beyond excited to celebrate Pop Pop's birthday.  They were genuinely excited for Pop Pop to have a special day.  Of course the festive spirit may have had something to do with Birthday Cake and staying up late to welcome him back from his Transatlantic Cruise.  Not a bad way to usher the next decade in.

Here's the birthday boy at 9pm our time and 3am London Time

May 14, 2013

Bronwyn and her A, B, Cs

I wonder if they make a charter school for Princesses?  The secret to Bronwyn doing anything "academic" is simple...make it about Princesses...

She started puzzling when she got this Princess puzzle!

Rapunzel's tower...15 blocks high!!!

She does her best counting when making Princess Squares (don't ask...)

And now...she learns her letters while they attend Princess Preschool ;)
At least she is consistent! 

May 13, 2013

Jack's Bedroom Lego Makeover

Welcome to Jack's Lego Drive.
Purchased off Etsy, this Legoman overlooks Jack's Lego Table.  Above the table are three floating bookshelves storing his latest "masterpieces!"
His Lego Table is under construction.  Check back later to see how the city and the warriors' village comes to completion!

Under his bed are now 16 plastic containers filled with lego pieces and minifigures...

all separated by colour...good grief!
His desk and dresser have homemade Lego touches...

Look familiar?  Yes, that is his Birthday balloon wreath made into a mirror.  How clever am I?  Not at was his Nana's idea...the crafty one :)

And here's is the Lego Boy himself.  He LOVES his new room! 

May 12, 2013

Field Day 2013

A time-honored tradition. 

Jack's elementary school paraded the kids from station to station competing in activities and then declared everyone a winner...but don't be fooled!  While trophies may not be awarded  I heard many a na-na-a-boo-boo being screamed.  You can take the competition out of the sport but not out of the kid ;)

Jack had a blast as did all of us! 

Boogie Woogie Dance-a-Thon

Face Painting
Bronwyn got in on the fun!

Tug 'o War (they won!)

Jack and Michael at Water Station
Mom's Station...the Hoola PaLooza!

Mrs Traylor's class!

Jack and John

Jack got Dyson (and then Mrs Traylor got Jack!)

While not an official sport...the noogie war looked fun too!