May 12, 2013

Field Day 2013

A time-honored tradition. 

Jack's elementary school paraded the kids from station to station competing in activities and then declared everyone a winner...but don't be fooled!  While trophies may not be awarded  I heard many a na-na-a-boo-boo being screamed.  You can take the competition out of the sport but not out of the kid ;)

Jack had a blast as did all of us! 

Boogie Woogie Dance-a-Thon

Face Painting
Bronwyn got in on the fun!

Tug 'o War (they won!)

Jack and Michael at Water Station
Mom's Station...the Hoola PaLooza!

Mrs Traylor's class!

Jack and John

Jack got Dyson (and then Mrs Traylor got Jack!)

While not an official sport...the noogie war looked fun too!

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