Sep 18, 2016

Part Art + Party Party: The Art Party

Beautiful Bronwyn has turned SIX!

Time to celebrate with an ART PARTY!

A team of helpers ( put this party together--and it was so much fun!  


Roll of paper + masking tape + sticker frames + craft letters  = perfect welcome activity!  So inviting, isn't it?  Bronwyn and Minni helped me put it together and Pop Pop and Daddy helped ensure it stayed together.  

It was a hit!  

How could it now be?  Sanctioned drawing on the wall...sweet joy!

So sweet as everyone drew pictures wishing Bronwyn happy birthday.  Having the activity in the central hallway worked beautifully--as any time a child needed a break from another activity she/he gravitated back to the art wall. 

Have you ever been to a paint party before?  Bronwyn wanted to do a kid-sized version of the commercial activity.  We hired a company to come in and lead this activity because a) the supplies are too expensive to buy outright.  b) we had no idea how to organize without mass chaos.  c) I can't draw or paint.  HA!

 It was a good decision.  The easels were super sturdy!  The pre-drawn owl saved time and provided the perfect template for the kids to paint!

Bronwyn was able to pick the template.  She really wanted the spider...but after a little influence she decided most 6 year old girls weren't going to hang a black widow dangling from a web in their room.  Shocking...I know.


One of my favorite parts of throwing a kid's party is the themed food.  Bronwyn and I picked everything out together--and I really enjoyed planning the details with her!

Bronwyn and I loved the pinwheels on the mirror for a whimsical touch.  We used her art-themed picture books for decorations.

   As art is really about personal expression--we did our best to keep with a theme of individualization.  Bronwyn came up with idea for everyone to have her/his own cupcake.  Palette plates are a Pinterest inspired idea!   To keep with the   we purchased coloring placemats and coordinated the letter to each child's name for a personalized touch.

Seriously super easy.  Packaged rice crispie treats + popsicle stick and dipped in chocolate.  Use the good chocolate--makes it so much better!  The Dad's of the guest ate these up!

This is the best picture I have of the chocolate treats--using a candy mold.  Paint cans made the perfect holder for the cake pops.
Did you notice the boxes tied with string and a crayon?  Inside are a few nibble for lunch (there's fair bread in there somewhere...???)

Hope all your wishes come true, sassysprout!


Also known as...creative ways to burn off all the sugar!

Jack was my game helper--and we set everything up together.  We did a kind of scavenger hunt puzzle thingy with string.  Each girl was assigned a color.  She found her string and then followed it to the end.  It ended at Bronwyn's clubhouse where the gift bag waited (small bag of art trinkets; as the canvas art was the real take home gift!)

An art version of pin the tail on the donkey...a portrain of Bronwyn!  Each child was assigned a body part and had to draw it while blindfolded.  Was more fun for me than anyone else!

No party is complete without the group silly face picture.  Bronwyn is blessed to have so many friends that you see at her party year after year and so many new friends as she begins her new journey in school!  Thank you Pop Pop for capturing all the memories with your beautiful photography.

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