Dec 26, 2010
White Christmas

Dec 22, 2010
Dec 21, 2010
Stone Mountain Christmas

We asked Jack to rank the events in order of excitement. The events to rank included Elves Santa Play, Christmas Musical Revue, Santa Parade, Picture with Mrs. Clause, and the Polar Express 4D Movie. He ranked Ms. Clause #1, the sword #2, and the out-of-left field #3 ranking was Toy Story 3 Together Again.
Dec 19, 2010
Fire Up the Ovens, Muffin Man!
Jack: "Mom, do we have enough Christmas spirit?"
Mom: "What do you think?"
Jack: "I think I need to eat more candy and then I'll have the spirit!"
Jack, Mom and Bronwyn making the house.
Dec 17, 2010
Jack Talks Smack
"Mommy, BE QUIET!"
"hmm....that didn't work."
"Mommy, BE NOTHING!"
"hmm...that didn't work either."
"Mommy, OH MY GOD!
"AHGH! Nothings working. Hmph."
I suspect my son will make a rotten poker player later in life.
Goodbye Newborn and Hello Infant
- Sleeping for a five-six hour stretch most nights
- Smiling...the biggest most precious smiles ever
- Recognizing mom, dad, and big bro
- Doing mini push ups
- Rolling from back to side and side to tummy
- Bringing hands together
- Sucking her thumb
- Batting at toys
- Grasping toys
- Staring at her feet
- Noticing more details than just bright lights and ceiling fans...like pictures in books!
- Bearing weight on legs
- Tracking objects
- Turning towards sound
- Cooing in syllables
- Blowing bubbles and making unintenional raspberries
Can you believe these are things she had to learn...hmm...feeling like a chump for taking that big toe for granted, huh? There was a day you didn't even know it existed...imagine that. At 20/300 vision, imagine what that toe looks like to Bronnie...go on...try it...cross your eyes and stare at a toe. Looks a bit like a jelly belly doesn't it? No wonder babies put there feet in their mouths.
Next to learn...sleeping in her own crib or bassinet versus mommy's arms. :)
Dec 13, 2010
A Little Christmas Cheer...

Dec 8, 2010

While she found her thumb, she lost her eyes. OOPS!

With socks this cute no wonder she spent a good portion of the early evening staring at them!

Dec 7, 2010
Santa Clause is Coming to Town...

Dec 6, 2010
The Continuation of the Enigmatic Questions
"What is a ladder without anyone climbing on it?"
"What is a paramedic without an ambulance?"
We are still not sure what the heck he is talking about? That's our Jack.
Dec 3, 2010
Nov 27, 2010
Jack's First Black Eye

The Stairs
The Black Eye
The Birthday Boys
Gobble Gobble

Grandma and Grandpa's
Perfect Mom' with the truly Perfect Bronwyn.
Minni and Pop's
Arrived on Turkey day to Minnie and Pop Pops. Just in time to see Santa make his official Macy's Parade arrival. We spent a couple days here and discovered Bronnie shares Minni's and Daddy's passions for shopping as she smiled and cooed for 3.5 hours shopping on Black Friday.

Minni and Bronwyn
Pop Pop and Bronwyn
Thanksgiving Day at Uncle Robby's and Aunt Meg's
Arriving at Uncle Robby and Aunt Megs for Thanksgiving Dinner
The Cook busy in kitchen...he has mastered Turkey Day!

The pretty table--thanks to Grandma's coolest iron ever the napkins and table cloth look great!
Twins playing dress up with Jack
Gracie with Bronnie
Max with Bronnie
Mikey with Bronnie
Sam with his hair ;)
Thanks everyone for a fantastic Turkey Day. We departed Saturday and playing the role of tired mom stopped at Wendy's for Happy Meals and ate in the parking lot while watching Santa Clause 2 on the DVD...who likes a perfect mom anyway?
Nov 18, 2010
Pacified by the Paci!