What's a holiday without a trip to the ER? Friday, Jack and Bronwyn celebrated Mike and Max's eighth birthday. Apparently overcome with joy, Jack took a serious tumble on the stairs. He fall flat on the hard woods on the side of his face. I am just glad that I didn't see it as I don't want that image in my mind. What I did see is my precious and brave little boy in shock and hurt. He uttered "Make me stop crying mom," in between sobs. It looked questionable and practicing the mom rule of "better safe than sorry" Minnie, Dad, Bronwyn and Mom took Jack to the hospital. We knew things were okay when we were a mile away from the ER and Jack started burping. Dad said he must have fallen on the burp button and Jack let out the widest, largest laugh of all time. Clearly, Jack was back!

The Stairs
The Black Eye
The Birthday Boys
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