"Out with three and in with four!" was what Jack exclaimed during bath time as he threw his foam number "3" out of the tub and held the "4" proudly above his head. Something magical about turning "4"...the ushering in of
big boy-dom! He no long shops at Baby Gap but at Gap Kids. He sits on the big toilet versus his potty chair. He is a
big brother. And FINALLY going to bed on his own (kind of). But the saddest part of getting older is understanding more about life around him.
For his birthday wish...Jack blew out the candles and in a meek voice wished "to never die"...can you imagine! He should be wishing for firetrucks and
Lego's but he wishes for immortality. Of course a side effect of his birthday being close to Halloween where Jack grew interested in skeletons, ghosts and the likes. But, after some
awkward silence and a few tears from mom (hidden from the boy) the moment passed and joy was felt by all during the
cake-eating feast and present-opening ceremony--cake and presents always a surefire way to move on to happier places!
Here is Jack at school with is friends. I came in for circle time. Jack shared pictures of himself over the last four-years, we viewed Rapping Jack (included at end of blog entry for you own viewing pleasure!), and ate carrot cake muffins with cream cheese topping--Jack's favorite, I snuck them in as cupcakes (sweets) aren't allowed...I listed them as muffins and cream cheese :)

At home we had a Hot Wheel themed dinner of Pork Tenderloin, stuffing and broccolini (Jack chose the menu) and of course BIRTHDAY CAKE.

He opened his presents and loved them all. The firefighter accessories were a big hit. The following night he packed them into his suitcase and met us downstairs for dinner telling me he was bringing them to the restaurant in case a fire started
he would be able to help save everyone. GOOD GRIEF! He is also looking foward to playing Twister on the next Family Game Night (Gary and I are already stretching in preparation to avoid any injuries...bi-product of being old parents!!!)
So here is to the best year every and of course Jack's immortality!
oh, and Rappin' Jack!
Wow! Look at Jack in Rappin' Jack and then Bronwyn in video with Daddy smiling...they look EXACTLY alike. Good looking kids!