Nov 30, 2009

I am Thankful for a New Post

What is it they say about the road paved with good intentions? Oh never mind. It has been a month since the chronicles of Jack have been documented on the world wide web. I understand I got a few family members hooked on Jack's happenings and then abruptly caused some (who will go unmentioned) to go through withdrawals. I hear chocolate cake helps with those nasty withdrawal side effects :) My intent was not to avoid any permanent record of the month of November as it was a FANTASTIC month for Jack and family. I just couldn't fathom a new update until I got the Disney pictures and musings organized. Well clearly I still have to finish that but decided what the heck...let's just jump into current events ( I promise to soon post about Disney and the big 03 birthday!)

Gobble Gobble
Flexibility anyone? Tuesday afternoon Jack's school called asking us to come pick Jack up--he had a fever. Oh, he didn't look well when I arrived. By late afternoon we had a diagnosis of pneumonia and my mom was busy finding people to take turkey off her hands as she ordered a 19 pounder expecting Gary for dinner (HAHAHAHAHA!!!)

Determined that we would not spend Thanksgiving in the hospital Jack routinely yelled at his chest, "Pneumonia go are not welcome for Turkey Day!" Okay, so I coached him a bit on this little poem ...but you never know the powers of self-healing. At the very least it was entertaining.

We pulled off a very nice last minute, stay-at-home holiday. Jack enjoyed the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and did a rendition of the Rockettes with mom. He is a very high kicker, FYI. We saw all the grandparents via Skype and Jack even gobbled up a turkey leg. Well, licked it a few times is more accurate...but he had pneumonia for Pete's sake.

The Day After

I know, he doesn't look sick. But as the shoppers were sipping their Starbucks Eggnog Venti Lattes searching for sales at Macy's, Jack and I had the first appointment at the pediatrician's office as a follow up. While his fever is gone and he has more energy for sure the doctor heard the pneumonia in both lungs this time around. No x-ray needed. Treatment stays the same. A little double pneumonia didn't stop him from getting his jingle on. In between productive naps Jack helped Mommy and Daddy decorate for Christmas. He loves the tree and remembered the "one finger touch" rule created last year and used it ad nauseum as he touched each ornament multiple times...but always with one finger. Good grief. Fa la la la la...

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