Dec 17, 2010

Goodbye Newborn and Hello Infant

Bronwyn turns three months this week. She is realizing there is more to life than just eating, sleeping and pooping, and we are realizing just what a beautiful princess she is. At three months, Bronnie is:
  • Sleeping for a five-six hour stretch most nights
  • Smiling...the biggest most precious smiles ever
  • Recognizing mom, dad, and big bro
  • Doing mini push ups
  • Rolling from back to side and side to tummy
  • Bringing hands together
  • Sucking her thumb
  • Batting at toys
  • Grasping toys
  • Staring at her feet
  • Noticing more details than just bright lights and ceiling pictures in books!
  • Bearing weight on legs
  • Tracking objects
  • Turning towards sound
  • Cooing in syllables
  • Blowing bubbles and making unintenional raspberries

Can you believe these are things she had to learn...hmm...feeling like a chump for taking that big toe for granted, huh? There was a day you didn't even know it existed...imagine that. At 20/300 vision, imagine what that toe looks like to Bronnie...go on...try it...cross your eyes and stare at a toe. Looks a bit like a jelly belly doesn't it? No wonder babies put there feet in their mouths.

Next to learn...sleeping in her own crib or bassinet versus mommy's arms. :)

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