Jul 7, 2011

Reading Time

I was looking for an old Jack reading video to show then and now...and found this gem I have never shared before. Probably because it is so LONG! It was when Jack was 2.5 years old and "pretending" to read. The book was a favorite, The Bear Snores On and in retrospect I am quite impressed with his memory for a book with such quirky words in it. Take a quick look...and I emphasize quick :)

Cute, wasn't it? How far did you make it? How did we ever understand him back then? HA! Two years later Jack no longer pretends to read...but in order to read on film he needs to pretend to be someone else. Here he is as the mall security officer reading a BOB book (Bronwyn's favorite chew toy) to the kids at my toy shop...I am a toy store owner in case you didn't know ;) Oh and he reads in his "security guy" voice. And yes he still has on that blue nail polish :) Good grief!

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