Mar 28, 2012

Jackisms Return

Jack has been dealing with his emotions lately...namely frustration. Here's a few Jackisms to illustrate my point and then a video to exemplify it!

1)  After being caught playing with the Lego Creationary toy that was off-limits for play Jack responded "I know, I know. I can't stop my brain from thinking about these Lego's. They are organized so well and well, you know I am just obsessed."

2) After he was  told to clean them up, put them away and go upstairs to dress for school he says, "I feel like I am in trouble, more trouble than I should be and my bucket is quite empty." (he read the kids version of Fill my Bucket last month.)  I replied, "Jack that feeling is called guilt and remorse."  :)

3)  Later in the morning I attempted to fill his bucket back up by giving him smooches and tickles, to which he said, "Kisses don't fill up my bucket mom, they just get my face all wet. Thanks for trying, though."

Now for the video. Jack is explaining why boredom leads to family dysfunction and concludes (off camera) that the only solution is for us to play with him all the time to ward off the boredom.  I must warn you, if your blood pressure is prone to rise at the sight of monstrous, bratty, whiny angry boys you may wish not to watch.  But do watch if you find angry, frustrated, flailing, wacky boys a bit humorous (as I do).  If you look real close you will notice a certain vein in the forward pops...a feature anyone close to Pop Pop is all too familiar with ;)  Oh, the anger within... so much rage for such a loved five-year old.  Hee-hee.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Yes! I see the vein! Jack, like Poppop you'll never be able hide your anger or concern for what is going on around you. And for the rest of your life, everyone will say to you, Hey your vein is showing! Hmmmm, aren’t we lucky! Love Poppop
