Nov 10, 2012

Jack's Lego Birthday Party: Part Two

What do you get when you combine a Lego Fanatic and a Birthday Party?  Well, keep reading to find out!  Jack turned six and there was not a question to ask when it came to picking a theme for his birthday party.  Legos, legos, legos.  Ah...dejavu?  Well, he did decide to change up the theme a bit...we went from Lego Minifigures to Lego City Police.  Come celebrate with us...

You know you are in the right place when you see this on the door!  Jack and I made it together.  It is so fun and easy!  How?  Take a $3.99 straw wreath.  About 500 balloons and stick pins and just start pinching and pushing, repeat until hand cramps, crippleing you or you run out of balloons.

Reduce, reuse, recycle!  We used last year's Happy Birthday Banner made out of red felt and letters in the LEGO font traced with yellow marker. 

The snack section.  We didn't do a full meal this year but heavy snacks for those that didn't get a chance to eat before coming.  New printables and the same lego cardstock from last year helped us dress up the snacks!

New touch this lanterns.  Inspired by watching Tangled one too many times with the kids.  Plan to hang these in Jack's room as decorations. 

A few repeats from last year with slight twists. 

1.  Changed the art to this Lego City Mural.  Gary made the frame by breaking up smaller, less expensive black frames and sealing them together.  Smart guy I married, huh? 

2.  Marshmellow all Police Men...

3.  Lego candy in Lego boxes. 

4.  Gift bags.  Filled with Lego crayons, lego minibags, and lego barretts for the girls!

5.  Lego frames and Lego pictures.  We used these as place settings as Jack had a bit of an opinion about where everyone should seat.  He was quite thoughtful too, ensuring children who got along the best sat next to each other.  Cute!

But a party isn't a party without a bit of fun (you thought I was going to say cake, didn't you.  We had that too!)  A wonderful man from (Mike) lead the kids in three builds...a spaceship, race cars, and a free build!!!  Super fun!

Happy Birthday Jack!  You have filled our lives with joy!  We are so proud of the boy you are and the boy I know you are on the path to becoming! 

Love you forever,
Like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.


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