Jan 16, 2013

Top 38 Reasons Bronwyn is Freaking Out!

Disclaimer: I am totally plagiarizing this idea from someone's Facebook page!  It is just too true!

1. Her left fingernail is sticky.
2. Her tights feel weird.
3. There is a tag in her shirt.
4.  Jack has more butter on his plate.
5.  She has more butter on her plate.
6.  Her food is too cold.
7.  Her food is too hot.
8.  Chicken tastes yucky.
9.  Her seat belt is too tight.
10. We don't understand her.
11.  We aren't listening to her.
12.  Her brother is talking.
13.  There is an ant in a 70 foot radius
14.  She wanted the red crayon.
15.  I gave her the WRONG red crayon.
16.  She isn't tall enough to reach the remote control.
17.  Dad won't let her wear open toe shoes in the middle of winter.
18.  I put the wrong tutu on her.
19.  Jack touched her.
20.  Jack looked at her.
21.  Jack isn't looking at her.
22.  She is remembering the balloon she lost 60 days ago.
23.  She wants to play in the dryer.
24.  Her eyelashes are heavy.
25.  There is a speck of dirt on her shoe.
26.  She didn't want in her car seat.
27.  She wanted to put herself in the car seat.
28.  She wants Jack's car seat.
29.  The wrong Mickey Mouse episode is on.
30.  The music stopped playing.
31.  The blueberry touched the banana.
32.  The iPad has a password.
33.  Her sleeve is touching her thumb.
34.  She is not allowed to touch fire.
35.  Milk does not appear on demand.
36.  Her left toe nail is peaking out of the blankie.
37.  My feet aren't covered by the blankie.
38.  The wrong Belle doll is in her crib.

It clearly is tough being two!

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