Feb 10, 2013

Mommy Son Date

Jack's school had a mother and son date night.  The theme...Reptiles.  Clearly, mom was not the focus here.  As it should be...the focus was on the sons!  Jack and I dressed for a safari (minus the lack of sensible shoes on mom's behalf.)  We joined his best school chum, Michael, and his mom for dinner.  Then we were off on a scavenger hunt that included  a hug from Bobby (school mascot), a hunt in the dark for candy and ended with a presentation from the reptile guy. 

I hear the Daddy and daughter date night includes a disco ball, slow music and girls dressed in pretty dresses. 

I would say RAW DEAL if it wasn't for the fact that any time with Jack one on one is treasured time!!!

Thanks for being a great date Jack.  I love you more!

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