Apr 19, 2013

Princess Potty

There are many milestones of youth.  First step.  First word.  First tooth.  But one milestone is a bit more special than the rest. 

We all have heard the saying, "No one goes to kindergarten in diapers."  But, I ask you...why not?  I mean what are the real joys of being diaper free?

1.  The carpet cleaning.
2.  The fear of falling in...
3.  Hearing "I have to go pee!" as soon as you get to the farthest point away from the nearest public restroom.
4.  Automatic flushers.
5.  The panic that sets in when you look in the rear view mirror to find your recently potty-trained toddler asleep in her car seat and you calculate the amount of time since her last potty trip; the amount of fluids consumed; and the distance to your front door...

But, God--being oh so wise--provides us parents an extra reason for biting the bullet and forging ahead.  Toddler poop.  Yep.  Both children were potty trained at 30 months.  The same time a very significant change happens in the gastric system of children.  I am not sure of the biology behind this change.  I just know that things change...let's just say you realize your children are getting bigger in new ways.

So welcome to...

I mean who doesn't want to sit on a potty that plays music when you pee in it?  And looks more like a thrown than a commode?  And simulates a giant pez dispenser giving you jelly beans just for sitting on it?

Bronwyn did SO GOOD!  I mean AMAZING! 
We followed same plan as we did with Jack...but with slightly different results.  Because...well, she's Bronwyn :) 
 First we attempted to spend the morning training her dolly.  Didn't go as planned.  I set Dolly on the potty....Dolly peed in the potty... then received a jelly bean.  Grabbie Gert snatched that bean out of my hand and threw dolly to the side with her other one.  Bronwyn then promptly sat on the potty and said, "My Jelly Bean please!" .
Fast learner.
So Dolly was not "needed"  and Bronwyn went straight into her underwear.  "Stay dry," we said...while filling her up with liquids (snicker, snicker!)  Four accidents in two hours and then...

This princess was telling us when she had to go by dinner time and we haven't looked back.   Good job Bronwyn!!!  It only took two loads of laundry, a roll of paper towels, 72 hours and 1056 jelly beans!!!
Oh...and her gift for working so hard.  A bit indulgent but we were planning to get it for her anyway...I mean who can resist a mini mini...
Now, where's my gift? 


  1. Wow! Bronwyn, Poppop is so proud of you! You’re a big princess now!
