Mar 22, 2010

Peanuts and Pretzels and Cracker Jacks...

Take me out to the T-Ball Game!

Jack's first game was this past Saturday. If you have never been to a preschool T-ball game you must go--just pretend to know a kid to make it less spooky! Between the kicking of dirt, the entire field running to chase one single ball, the first baseman oblivious to the responsibilities of his position, and the runner impersonating Forest Gump--unaware that the bases actually serve a purpose. Put this all together and it will be the most endearing 30 minutes of your life. Well, of your Saturday morning at least.

Check out the family album (link at bottom of blog) for the pics and vid.

1 comment:

  1. Jack, thanks for sharing your your pic's and video, I really enjoyed them! Looking forward to seeing you run the bases in person! Through my long lens of course. Love Poppop.
