Apr 27, 2010

Do You Like It?

Our bedtime Jekyll and Hyde boy chose Jekyll tonight. He was so sweet. During prayers he said "And God Bless my very pretty mommy." Awww!!! I said "Well I like that prayer." So he cuddled up and said "Do you like it when I say thank you?" "Do you like it when I give hugs?" "Do you like it when I share?" "Do you like it when I play 'I Spy' with you?" "Do you like it when I put my dish in the dishwasher?" To which I responded "YES!" to each and every question. He summed our conversation up with "Then you like a lot of things I do!"


My turn. So I asked "Do you like it when I give you hugs?" (YES!) "Do you like it when I read you books?" (YES!) "Do you like it when I plant flowers with your?" (YES) "Do you like it when I tell you you have stinky breath?" To which he responded "NO! I wonder why you don't brush my teeth."

And there we have our Hyde!

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