Sep 22, 2010

Training Wheels, Billi Lights and Hospitals OH MY!

First weekend with Bronnie at home was eventful to say the least. At her three-day check-up she weighted 5 lbs and 15.5 ounces...babies are expected to lose 5-8% of their birth body weight and she is clocking in at 7.5%. She also is sporting a nice shade of orange...want to see...

Sent for blood work showing a mild case of jaundice...more fluid and indirect sun were the orders. Easy enough as Jack got a new bike so all of us spent time outside cheering Jack on.

Her levels kept rising throughout weekend and on Sunday she was orange all the way to the palms of her hands and acting a bit lethargic. To the Children's ER we were sent. Her level was 19 and admitted for two nights :( of fluid via IV and billi lights. An IV in a newborn is not an easy thing to accomplish and after three teams attempted and many tears were shed (mainly mine!!!) the IV was in and Bronwyn was on the road to being jaundice-free. Here she is under the billi lights sporting her shades.

And for fun, here is her brother doing the same sun bathing almost four years earlier.

Bronwyn is now home (second homecoming) and turning pinker every moment! Jack is still scrape-free and learning the art of bike riding. I suspect we will have a video soon of evil kenevil and his training wheels.

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