Sep 21, 2010

What's In A Name?

Fair Breasted...

What does that mean? Fair Breasted? It is the meaning of the name Bronwyn. Does it mean:

- White breasts?

- That she will be fairly endowed when older?

- Pure and innocent?

Well we didn't pick the name because of its meaning. We had a more significant reason...we liked it! So let's just address the question on every one's mind...why Bronwyn? Well, I am not one to subscribe to the world of the supernatural...even though my own husband has some eerie way of calling me as soon as I walk in a door (either he is attuned to me or has stalked me for 17 years). But after two pregnancies I am a believer in woman's intuition. I knew Jack was a boy and Bronwyn a girl before any ultrasound result. And, I knew my children's names when I heard them. In a sense the name picked them. When Gary first suggested Bronwyn my response was "I can't pronounce it and neither will anyone else in my family" (Sorry Mom and Dad). But the name kept calling out to me...and before you know it, I knew it...that was it...she was named little Bronnie :)

So how has everyone responded to her name? Here are the most frequent responses we get:

  • Is that a family name? Translation: Where in God's name did you ever come up with that one?

  • How do you spell that? Translation: I have no idea what you just said...if you spell it maybe I can figure it out.

  • Well he is...Translation: I am clearly color blind and missed the pink socks, hat, outfit and diaper bag.
  • Beautiful...just like she is (that one is my favorite response).

So a unique and beautiful name for our little girl.

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