Mar 28, 2011

The Body of Evidence

Jack has pleaded guilty to three counts of misbehavior. The evidence was overwhelming. Nanny Michelle went to put Bronwyn to sleep. Upon her return 20 minutes later Jack came bounding through the front door. He had a face full of chocolate pudding with sprinkles attached, a weather strip wrapped around his whole body, and a stick (toe molding) in hand. His sidekick Buster was lagging behind him. His defense, "I needed to chase some birds away."

After being questioned by Nanny Michelle, Jack confessed that he was resting in the guest room bathtub and the toe molding just "peeled" off real easy. He was hungry and wanted to see what the pudding tasted like. The weather stripping came from the foyer. The sprinkles? Well...those were used for a craft project earlier this morning. Yep, he scraped them off the bunny in the picture. Wonder if the glue used tasted good too.

Good grief. All in twenty minutes? Jack Rabbit seems to be an apropos name for this perp!

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