Mar 12, 2011

Wacky Jacky is Back

This week began T-Ball season and Jack for the second year in a row joined the fleets of 3-5 year old boys ready to kick dirt, chase balls and swing at thin air in hopes of connecting with that ball the game is named after. Over excited? High spirited? Wacky? All terms applicable when describing how he behaved during his first practice. The real tell...his new coach said "Jack, yes I heard ALL about him from Coach Vinny." HAHAHA! Here are a few highlights.

Jack, like last year, insisted on wearing his hard helmet during practice. He did lose it, eventually!

Perhaps he should have kept it on. Yes, his thrown ball is the one suspended in air--BEHIND him! Guess where it landed? Yup...his head still proved to be a magnet for the ball.

He was much more into the game this time--as long as he wasn't distracted by birds, piles of leaves and mud piles. Like last year he demonstrates his strength is in connecting to the ball. WAY TO GO!

And here is his first home run of the season ;) My favorite part. Watch for how he waits for the children to move off the base before he tags it. Such nice manners. ;)

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