Nov 29, 2011

Dear Santa

Emil returned for his visit to our home.  Jack is super excited waking up each morning running to find him!  Last night he revealed his Christmas wish list...let's just say he is going through a buckingham palace guard phase.  As I know there are many of Santa's elves who want to know what the kids want...Emil thought he would share a few of their secrets...

  • Anything Lego related.  I strong passion for mini figures.  Kingdoms, Ninja, City, Harry Potter and Alien series are all on the list.
  • Dress up is still HUGE.  Milirary outfit (army, airforce, navy, etc.) oh and he has been dying for a headset to use when playing mall security guy.  You know the kind with headphones and a mouth piece.  Good grief.
  • He is a good reader now and any Level One or Level Two books would be used (even if he didn't directly ask Santa for them ;)
  • Playmobile police/fire sets are adored.
  • Little People stuff.  Jack was never into pretend toys with people at this stage.  She is...and told Emil there appears to be a dirth of these kind of toys in the house.  *blush*
  • Crafty little thing.  She adores stickers and aqua doodles now come in color (so Emil has said!)

Easy kids, aren't they.  Emil will share anymore secrets these kids trust him with...sneaky Emil!  Thanks elfie!

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