Dec 9, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

What a Thanksgiving!  This just isn't Jack's Holiday.  Case in point:
  • Thanksgiving 2009-- Trip home cancelled day prior due to double pnuemonia.
  • Thanksgiving 2010-- Day after spent in hospital ER after quite the tumble down a staircase. 
  • Thanksgiving 2011--Sunday after spent at an Urgent Care center in Charlotte.  Why?  Pmneumonia...yes, again!
But, then again... he recovered quickly from both pneumnoia of 2009 and 2011...and it turned out only to be a black eye after the stair gymnastics.  So maybe he has a lot to be Thankful for, huh?  Here's how the kids spent their Holiday!

Jack and Bronwyn spent Monday before Thanksgiving at Stone Mountain

Bronwyn and Jack had a fancy Thanksgiving Lunch with Grandma and Grandpa at the Charlotte Motor Speedway Club

Dinner with Minni, Pop Pop Uncle Robby, Aunt Meg and the kids.  Here's Jack with Mikey...playing dress up.  Shocking, I know!

After Thanksgiving Jack got a whole day with the twins to celebrate their birthday!
Bronwyn joined Minni, Mommy and Daddy while we all braved the crowds the Friday after Thanksgiving.  Here she is wondering, "where are all the deals?"
While we shopped Jack and Friday had a "date".   Together they built Hogwarts Castle...I think it went more like this...together they built the first 1/3.  Then Jack partipated a bit in the building of the second 1/3.  Then Jack played with the first 2/3rds while Pop Pop built remaining 1/3.  Did you follow that?

I don't even know what to say about this...except at least Jack is on top and not the bottom.  Thanksgiving sandwich?

Bronwyn adored every relative she visited.  But, Gracie and her had a special little bond. 

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