Oct 10, 2012

Jack's First Report Card

Tonight was the child-dreaded parent-cherished teacher conference.  Our very first.  It went super.  Boy, Jack needed the good report as he got a yellow check today on his behavioral chart for collaborating with another boy to turn math manipulative's into terrifying carnivorous dinosaurs that went on the attack.  His teacher also found three locks of hair under his chair last week.  We are just thankful they were Jack's and not any of the girl's at his table...yikes!

Now that I ratted him out, indulge me in a bragging moment.  Jack did AWESOME this first quarter.  The teacher had this to say about Jack:
  • Only child to get an exemplary mark for responsibility!  She called him a go-getter and said he was her hardest worker!
  • All 4s (exceeded expectations) in academics. 
  • Said he participates tons!!!  and gets along with everyone!

Way to go Jack!  Keep it up!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, way to go Jack! Congratulations a doing a brilliant job. Love Poppop
