Oct 7, 2012

Dance-a-Thon 2012

100 Kindergartners
5 Teachers
2 Teacher-aids
1 Guidance Counselor
1 Man in a Funny Wig
1 Bobcat
Sprinkle of PTA Volunteers

Dress in 90's wardrobe, play bad wedding music and jump around for 40 minutes. Then beg family and friends to PAY you to do this!!!

This my friends, is called a Dance-a-Thon.  Jack's one and only school fundraiser.  Themed to the decades each grade had a specific time to demonstrate their ability to do the Chicken Dance, Electric Slide, and Hokey Pokey. 

Jack's grade was assigned the 90s...and us parents were supposed to dress them accordingly.  Which for a boy meant either channel Kurt Cobain, imitate Vanilla Ice, or dig up your Backstreet Boys garb.  For the girls...seemed everyone had the same idea, Oops, I did it again!  You got it...Ms. Spears in her naughty school girl days. 

Here's a tip for the school next year.  Don't give the five-year olds the after lunch--carbohydrate overload--can I please have a nap--time slot.  Let's just say...zombie decade...could have easily been the theme ;)

The kids all were adorable.  They were SO focused on getting all the dance moves correct!  And each one made it the full 40 minutes (even the teachers...I was dubious but they did it!)   And most importantly, the school raised $50,000 in which 100% is going directly to the classrooms for needed supplies!

Freeze Dance

Half-Way Mark

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