Sep 23, 2012

Apple Pickin'

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away...
The Big Apple...
Apple of my eye...
Apple for my teacher...
One bad apple spoils the bunch...
As American as apple pie...
Adam's apple...

Or as Jack says, "I am just *really* into apples!"

We went Apple picking this weekend.  Granny Smiths, Golden Delicious, Ambrosia, Jonas Gold filled our bags (and tummies too!)  One thing I didn't plan for--pesky, little "not made of jello, stand behind a fellow, BLACK AND YELLOW!" bees.  They were everywhere.  You know it's bad when "sting stations" line the apple orchards.  We braved through and everyone got their pickings! 

Mercier Apple Orchard

Ready, set, GO!

Jack picked the first apple, ambrosia

The "fruit" of his labor.
Bronwyn got one too!
Instant gratification!

That was Saturday.  Sunday we had apple bread with apple butter for breakfast, cheese and apples for snacks and turkey with apples and sausage stuffing and apple cider gravy for dinner.  May the doctor stay far, far, away!

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