Sep 10, 2012

School Days, School Days...

Dear ole golden rule days...

This week marks one month of Kindergarten class for Jack.  How's he doing?  Great!  He's made a "best friend", Michael and some really good friends who came over for a play date last week.  By the way six boys and one backyard bouncy house = anxiety attack for mom.  Just saying ;)

His teacher reports Jack is considerate, sweet and one of the hardest workers who always completes his work first and with diligence.  Let's see some of that work...

On his first day of school, Jack set a goal for the new year.  His goal--"I will not use a lot of seats on the bus."  Apparently he was worried he might fall asleep.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy is what Jack had to say about this! 
Jack's teacher asked him to show more detail in his drawing--like the sun, sky and grass.  This is his first drawing with an actual background.  Guess it's not 70 degrees and sunny for this bad guy :)

Much of the first few weeks has been settling into the routine, assessments and review of preschool basics.  Here is the "opposites" exercise.  I love that his good and bad guy look vaguely familiar (LEGO city mini figures!) 

The end of year standard for Kindergarten is to write your numbers 1-20; count to 100 by tens and ones; and count 20 items...  Jack has assessed at a "4" (meaning above grade level) on all areas.  He has work to do on writing his number in the right direction (those are the blue marks you see on the paper.)
Jack "interviewed" his best bud, Michael.  Jack's handwriting seems on par with most even though it has been identified as a "challenge" in the past (from every one of his preschool teacherrs!) 

What about Bronwyn?  She loves her time at home with Nanna while Jack is in school.  She attends dance and music; story time at the library; and has her own craft lesson each day.  Jack is jealous of the crafts she does each too!


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