Sep 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Bronwyn

She's two! She's two!
My little girl is two...
She loves to twirl,
has crazy curls,
my precious baby is two!

I'll stick to my day job ;)

Bronwyn had a luncheon at American Girl to celebrate her birthday!  Itty Bitty Baby is her birthday present, and as you can see--baby (in her special Birthday outfit) joined us for lunch! 

I can't believe it has been two years!  Bronwyn, you are such an amazing daughter... full of personality and expression,  determined, sweet and funny!  I love all that you are!  And all that you will be! 

P.S. Happy Birthday to Bronwyn's virgo twin and newborn cousin Adrienne! 

Birthday girl with Itty Bitty Baby!

Mom and Bronwyn

Em, Jack and Nanna!

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