Mar 25, 2013

Bronspeaks I

Remember Jackisms...those funny comments from the mouth of a preschooler...sometime intentionally funny...but, more often not.  Bronwyn is following suit with her own brand of expressions.  We dub them--Bronspeaks.

1.  Gary while changing her diaper says, "I'm gonna get your legs!" To which Bronwyn coyly replies, "Don't Daddy!  I need those for dancing!"

2.  Bronwyn is calling Daddy by his first name.  Daddy told her only mommy calls him Gary.  Jack and Bronnie call him Daddy.  Bronwyn throws her hands in the air, squints her eyes and sings, "I mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy..."  Later she tells me, "I'll be mommy today and call Daddy Gary...ohhh!"

3.  I was growing impatient with Bronwyn during what should have been her nap hour.  Bronwyn said, "Don't be a bad-tempered queen anymore, be a nice, pretty mommy!"

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