Jun 22, 2013

Bronspeaks II

Telling me about her day:
"Nanna wouldn't let me go on the monkey bars.  (she said it wasn't safe)  But I could have used my big muscles!"

"Nanna put me on the swings.  I HATE the swings.  I have swings at home.  I don't have monkey bars at home.  She should let me do the monkey bars."

At bedtime:
"But I'm not tired.  (why you rubbing your eyes?)  My eyes itch but that is probably just my allergies..."

When trying to get Mom off the computer:
"Mom, get off the computer and come play with me!"  (yes, in one minute...) "I'll give you 20 seconds...ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN..........................................................................."

When "playing" the piano:
"Listen to me practice (pounding  lower keys) That's thunder or probably a dinosaur stomping...they sound they same..."

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