Jun 18, 2013

Under the Sea

Dinner and a Movie Night.  Our theme...fishies!  Why not, right?

Dinner: Fish Sticks.  With melons shaped like starfish.    

Movie: Finding Nemo.  Bronwyn's first time seeing it.  She was so sad when Nemo was caught and ironically spent the rest of the movie asking, "Where's Nemo?"  

Craft Project:  We made fish out of tissue paper and kids drew fish-themed pictures.  

Jack drew a mirrored scene.  On top is a Clone Trooper attacking some robot creature.  Under his feet is an underground water word with a fish attacking against a sea monster (that looks exactly like the robot above...but with tentacles.)

Bronwyn drew a less violent and less recognizable fish.  I wish I could interpret art...ha!

Hmm....wonder what tonight's theme will be?

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