Feb 16, 2014

Lessons from Legos

Thanks to Disney Lego, Bronwyn is becoming as much a fan of the small bricks as her big brother.  Together they built a princess village only to have Emmett from The Lego Movie and Bad Cop invade it!!!

This morning Bronwyn was fighting with Jack over which Lego man she was to be.  Who knew life lessons could be imparted through Lego play. 

Bronwyn: "I don't want him.  He's yellow!"
Jack: "Don't judge people by the colour of their skin, Bronwyn.  It doesn't really matter they deserve to be treated equally."
Bronwyn: "But he looks tired!"
Jack: "Just because he is yellow doesn't mean he is tired.  It's illegal to discriminate."

 HAHAHAHA!!!  Good for Jack.  Much better than teaching her how to burp on command.  Well done, big brother ;)
Cinderella's castle and Rapunzel's Tower.  So Stinkin' Cute!!!

The yellow guy in question...

Rare moments of peaceful play.  Thank you Legos ;)

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