Feb 24, 2014

Just 200+ Days to Go

But that isn't stopping Bronwyn from thinking up her Birthday wish list.  I'd say she takes after her mother and is a Type A Crazy Planner if it wasn't for the abundance of evidence that says she just hasn't quite grasped time yet.  Case in point...an example from this morning:

Gary: Bronwyn are you ready for breakfast?

Bronwyn:  I told you I'm not eating this week!  I won't be hungry until tomorrow!

Back to her birthday list.  Today she spontaneously shared her wishes with us.

1.  A robot.
2.  A family of dolls that look just like mom, dad, jack and herself.
3.  A toy dog with a button that when pushed causes the dog to bounce down the stairs.  The dog must be large enough that she can ride on its back while it bounds down the stairs.

Good thing we have over 200 days...may take a while to find these ;)

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