Feb 16, 2014

Happy Valentine Day

Lego men are yellow
Creepers are green,
I Love You--I want to scream!
Forever be mine,
I'll forever be yours
people in Minecraft call sticks ores!
- Jack (1st grade)
Bronwyn made us all homemade Valentine with Nanna

Trying not to read anything into this gift...Nanna and Bronwyn made me a wine sleeve....
No deliveries due to the snow...so my loving husband ran out to ensure his girls had flowers.  Mine!

For Daddy's little Princess!

For Dad we made homemade cards.  Step One: Cut out border!

Step #2: with blue or gray markers, draw your secret love message.  Bronwyn drew Daddy and her (they are both wearing shade, fyi...under the sun!

Step 3: Conceal secret message with red, pink and orange scribbles.  We learned scribbles alone don't work as well as if you write messages on top of your secret love note :)

Step 4: Glue heart onto border and use secret decoder heart to read love message. 

We made the decorder by taping red celephane to a cut out heart.  VOILA!

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