Apr 20, 2014


Kids first Broadway-on-tour show...The Lion King Musical.  We kept it a secret providing minimal hints.  Jack guessed it this morning...as soon as I made comment about Bronwyn's mane :)

You know you are a parent of small kids at a theater when you make three bathroom stops before the show to pre-empt the inevitable "I have to go potty" during act one; as well as identify all nearby exits ;).  Kids were very well behaved the entire time, Miss Bronwyn managed to stay seated for three hours and yet she never stopped moving. Squirmy kid but well behaved :)  Really proud of my little lady and little man!  Jack managed to fall asleep at the very end...around the same time in the story he conked out when watching the movie.  Oh well...Akuna matata!

  • Jack's favorite part was the Stampede of Wildebeests.
  • Bronwyn's favorite part was when Pumba and Timon were stargazing.
  • My favorite part was the opening number with the animal parade and Dad liked the grasslands sequence.

Jack even learned something.  So he says.  On way home he comments, "I always thought vultures were at the top of the food chain..."  Oh my.  

The show obviously made an impression as when we came home Jack made this costume...
He also commented that the song Akuna Matata from Lion King means the same as the song Bare Necessities from Jungle Book--thus wondering if animals are biologically lazy ;)

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