Jun 3, 2014

Ramblings from a Sleepy Jack

When Jack is exhausted but can't sleep he always wants some company.  I find him during these bedtime talks to be a mixture of profound and ludicrous...ha!  

A sample from tonight.

"Mom, if everything is made out of molecules, what are molecules made out of?"


"What are atoms made out of?"

(Protons, electrons, and neutrons I think...)

"What are they made out of?  Wait...we can play this all night and eventually it is just energy.  But what is energy made of?  What is God made of?  Is God and energy the same thing and that is how he is all knowing and everywhere?  Every time I think of science I think of God, do you think all scientists think of God a lot?"

(I think all scientists are curious and like to ask questions and find answers.)

"Is the Big Bang true?"

(It is not proven I don't think but many scientists accept it as truth)

"I used to think explosions only destroyed things and the Big Bang makes me think of how some explosions create things.  Kind of like fireworks."

(I never thought of that .  Interesting.)

"Mom, I feel like I'm different than a lot of my friends."

(Yes, we are all different.  That's kind of cool, isn't it?  We all have similarities too.)

"Wait before I think of similarities, can I tell you how we are different?"


"They want to play Minecraft all the time when I don't.  I want to play Legos more than they do.  And some of my friends seem to think about the same thing all the time...like Luke is always thinking about poop."

(Hmmm) ????????????? 

( What do you think about?) 

"Lots of things at the same time.  Science, Legos, history, minecraft.  And then I have thoughts I just wish I could punch out of my head."

(Like what?) 

"Just words that pop in my head, randomly."

(Like which words?)

"Ah great...you just triggered a sequence of toilet words."  Giggle giggle giggle.

And just as I was about to say something I hear soft snores coming from my exhausted rambling profound yet nonsensicle seven-year old boy.

I hope one day he'll look back on this and be proud of what a cool little thinker he is...and one day I hope to be able to actually answer his questions with a bit more insight.

It dawns on me he may be smarter than me before he is taller than me. Ha!  
Given I'm barely more than 5 feet that's saying something ;)

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