May 29, 2014

Summer Time is Looking So Fine

It begins with and end...


And no better way to celebrate it then this.  

A good old fashion water fun fight.  Dad started a bit of an arm's race and the proliferation of weapons compared to last year was noteworthy.  Look who wanted a piece of her brother...

Loos like everyone wanted a piece of their brother...and sister...and father.  Can you imagine being the recently moved in parents of a newborn in this house shown and witnessing this.  Surprised the for sale sign isn't back in the ground already!

After we were all properly soaked (except me who invoked some unspoken mom code keeping all those with used wombs safe and dry) we held an impromptu luau on the back deck.  

Okay the decorations speak more to mom's obsession with Party City then impromptu but you must admit seeing the Bronster in her hula gear begs for a round trip ticket to Hawaii (hint to husband next year is our 15th anniversary....)

What's that in the background?  Is it the cutest graduation cake ever?

Bought it ourselves ;) Paid for with love ;) Served with an abundance of pride in these two rugrats and their good attitudes toward school and hard work!  

Now off to the pool!!!!

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